Aulactinia veratra is a sea anemone (Phylum: Cnidaria, Class:Anthozoa, Order: Actiniaria) commonly found in the intertidal zone ofAustralian and New Zealand coasts. The vivid green coloration of A. veratra has earned it the common name ‘green snakelock anemone’ (Figure 1). Brown and red varieties are known, but less common. At low tide, when the animal is emersed, A.veratra retracts its tentacles, contracts its column and appears black (Figure 2). Coarse sand and and shell grit are often attached to the column on longitudinal rows of verrucae (cup-like, adhesive warts)(Figures 2-3).

Figure 1: A. veratra in a rockpool at Point Cartwright (QLD).

Figure 2: A. veratra in a rock pool at low tide (Point Cartwright, QLD).

Figure 3: Two young individuals adhered to a small rock found in a rock pool.